Mercy Based School

Work For God's Glory

Discover More

About Us

Our school is located at Kanku-Kiwangala, Lwengo.

Our Core Values

Below are the school Mission, Vision and Goal.

  • To inspire humanity.
  • To provide the best sustainable education to all.
  • To improve everything life through best education
  • To link the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful
  • To spread education to everyone from beneath
  • To create accessible education to all
  • To create a better everyday life for many people
  • To have strong produces
  • To build God fearing nation through young generation
  • To train God fearing leaders of tomorrow's nation

The above mentioned are some of the reasons you may consider bringing your child to join us at our school!

Products & Services

Practical Skills

We teach our pupils practical and technical skills which enable them to make products using their own hands forexample baking.


We provide educational services to children of all levels from Nursery to Primary Seven.

Games & Sports

Our school participates in games and sports activities and it has won numerous medals and trophies from such competitions.


Since work without play makes Jack a dull boy, we organise events to provide entertainment to the learners in order to break their boredom.


Above is a photo of our pupils at a farming at a farming project.

We have farm projects like cattle keeping projects which enable our learners to practice farming skills which may help them in the future.

These projects also enable the pupils to practice what they study in class and apply it in real life while makes studying meaningful.

Technical Skills

Technical skills help leaners to get practical skills which enable them to become job makers instead of job seekers.

Technical skills improve on the creativity skills of the pupils and turn them into productive citizens.


The photo above shows pupils on their agriculture project.

Such projects help pupils to get knowlegde about agriculture and practice those skills in their day-to-day life and since agriculture is the backbone of Uganda, those skills may be valuable.

Call To Action

If you're interested in bringing your child to our school, don't hesitate to contact us today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the frequently asked questions and their respective responses.

  • We teach learners from Nursery to Primary Seven.

  • We respect all religions and give chance to pupils to worship their own God.

  • We teach subjects as allocated by the Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) and the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC).

  • We participate in co-curricular activities which help our learners to discover and develop their talents.

  • Our school offers bursaries to specific categories of children forexample the talented one in fields like games and music.

  • We have well built dormitories which are supervised by well trained qualified matrons and wardens.

Our Staff

Below are photos of some of our staff members.

Mataate Thomas

Head Teacher

0751178334 / 0785438417

Kayemba Julius



Ssebalamu Richard


0757960184 / 0775387484

mercy p/s

Use the contact information provided below to get in touch with us today.

Kanku Kiwangala

0757960184 / 0775387484